Allow us to introduce First Wednesdays - a new series of special events for Museum of Contemporary Craft members and patrons of The Gallery. These events allow us to host our monthly featured artists with an intimate reception while providing our Museum audience and collectors with the opportunity for a first look at new work. Complimentary wine and refreshments will be offered, so be sure to stop in and say hello.
Craft Department
Victoria Christen, Kowkie Durst,
Dara Hartman and Brian R. Jones
June 2 - July 2, 2011
June 1, 6 - 8 pm
Please RSVP in reply to this email.
The Department of Craft is dedicated to the advancement of the contemporary craft movement through sales, education, and community outreach. They promote quality crafts in the Pacific Northwest by not only focusing on craft artists working locally but also by bringing in artists from around the country. Two annual sales bookend a fundraising effort to support a Portland based non-profit and/or education institution that is focused on craft. By working together as a group of artists they seek to enrich the community, support future craft artists and develop a higher standard of craft.
Around the Center
Dale Larson
William Moore
Greg Wilbur
June 2 - July 2, 2011
June 1, 6 - 8 pm
Dale Larson, William Moore, and Greg Wilbur have been associated with The Gallery at Museum of Contemporary Craft for a combined 80 years. Their vast experience with wood and metal can be seen in their exquisite forms. Each of these craftsmen has mastered various techniques and found a language all their own.
Dale Larson turns various woods, including madrone and maple, on a lathe to create large bowls that highlight the natural grain of the wood. He has traveled the world demonstrating his flawless technique and creating timeless forms.
William Moore began his artistic career as a wood turner before incorporating metal into his process. Over the years the combination of these two materials has lead to unique works that transcend categorization. This year Moore is retiring from Pacific Northwest College of Art after nearly 40 years of teaching.
Greg Wilbur raises metal, hammering it into a sculptural form. His process of heating, hammering and annealing seamlessly transforms flat sheets of copper and bronze into vessel forms that appear to defy the laws of physics.
About The Gallery's Pop-Up Series
In an effort to increase community-building at the Museum, half of the front Gallery space is dedicated for a compact store-within-a-store, curated monthly by the different owners of well-known but idiosyncratic local stores, collectives or organizations that represent Portland's diverse craft and design audiences.
The series changes monthly with opening receptions the First Wednesday of each month to coincide with DeSoto Building gallery openings.
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